Ova web stranica koristi kolačiće tako da vam možemo pružiti najbolje moguće korisničko iskustvo. Podaci o kolačićima pohranjuju se u vašem pregledniku i obavljaju funkcije poput prepoznavanja kod povratka na našu web stranicu i pomaže našem timu da shvati koji su dijelovi web stranice vama najzanimljiviji i najkorisniji. Pravila privatnosti pogledajte ovdje.

Hunting in Croatia can be divided in group hunts and individual hunts.
Group hunt is driven wild boar, which is conducted from October till end of January. Usually for groups between 8 and 25 guns. Hunting in Croatia has long tradition and managing wildlife is our priority. Wild game meat goes into food chain. We also enjoy traditional croatian wild boar goulash. We always meet our Clients at the airport and we try to do everything what is in our power for You to feel comfortable. For groups we organize bus transfers, for smaller groups mini bus. Staying at the very best hotels and hunting lodges where every hunter has it’s own room with bathroom and toilet – is a must! Eating great food and toasting with a glass of great vine is one of the things that makes Croatia one of the best vacation and hunting destination.
In individual hunts mouflon ram and male wild boar can be hunted 365 days a year. All the other animals have a season and we hunt brown bear, chamois, red stag, roe deer and axis. Hunting wild boar from a high seat can be considered individual hunts and we can take up to 5 people at the same time. Individual hunting from a high seat can be done in the morning and some in the evening, some stalking can be done all day, like for chamois and muflon.
Outside Croatia we hunt wolf (Bosnia), marmot (Austria), capercaillie (Austria, Bosnia), ibex (Austria, Slovenia), muntjac and CWD (UK).
Booking in advance is necessary!